Over 200 people in New England accuse a doctor of sexual assault.
The Accusations: According to the civil complaint recently filed in a Framingham, Massachusetts court, Dr. Derrick Todd performed inappropriate medical exams for “his own personal and sexual gratification.” He allegedly performed these medical examinations without a glove, lubricant, or chaperone. In addition, the examinations were performed on patients who had no medical history to suggest they needed that type of exam. The lawsuit alleges he persuaded patients to have their family members, including teenagers, leave their current doctors and see him for regular medical care, even though he is a rheumatologist, and they did not have rheumatology medical conditions. The lawsuit alleges that the Hospital where he had medical privileges, and the physician group where he worked, knew or should have known of his misconduct.
Hospital and Clinic Involvement: Dr. Todd resigned his medical staff privileges at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Both the hospital, and the large medical practice where he worked, Charles River Medical Associates, have denied having any knowledge of his problems and say they are investigating the allegations.
Status of Legal Action: Even though Dr. Todd signed an agreement with the Board of Medicine that he would never practice medicine again in any state in the U.S., it was not legally considered an admission of any wrongdoing. The lawsuit against him, the hospital, and his former physician group will go forward.
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