Who will pay the expenses of the case?
Medical malpractice cases are very expensive, and charges for things like expert witnesses and court reporters usually add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Most, but not all, malpractice lawyers will advance all of the costs and expenses of your case, and if you don’t win, you don’t have to pay the lawyer back for what they spent. If you do win, you do pay the lawyer back for the expenses out of the recovery. This is in addition to the money you pay the lawyer out of the recovery for the legal fees. Most experienced medical malpractice lawyers will do it this way, but not all, and it depends on what you agree to in your contract.
Some lawyers in Georgia might ask you to pay for the expenses up front, or pay them back for the expenses even if you lose the case. This is always negotiable. Our advice is that if the Georgia malpractice attorney you are dealing with won’t agree to advance the expenses, and write them off if the case is lost, you should find another attorney who will.
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This site contains only general information and is not intended to constitute specific legal advice or establish an attorney/client relationship. Malpractice laws are constantly changing. If you think you may have a malpractice case you should promptly contact a lawyer experienced in handling malpractice cases.
Copyright 1997-2024 - Scott R. McMillen