What should I expect from my lawyer?
There are four things you should expect from us as your lawyers: honesty, advocacy, diligence, and communication.
Advocacy: We are your advocates, and our job is to help you win your case. We’ll use legal, medical, and factual arguments to put you in the best position we can. We’ll always act in your best interest within the law, the rules of evidence and procedure, and the rules of professional conduct.
Honesty: We’ll be honest with you, the judge, and everyone else. We won’t lie or hide evidence, and we won’t let you do it either. Privately we’ll tell you the truth about your case, even if it’s not always good news. We’ll be your cheerleader in the presence of the Judge and defense lawyers , but we’ll also privately tell you about the difficult parts of your case. All cases have some difficult parts.
Diligence: We will work hard on your case. Sometimes we’ll have to wait for things to occur so we can react, like a response from an expert witness or obtaining a hearing time with the judge. But we’ll push your case along as fast as we can under the circumstances and while following the rules.
Communication: We’ll keep you informed about your case. We’ll answer your questions and tell you what’s happening. If we can’t answer your call or email right away, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. One of our core beliefs is that an informed client is generally a happy client.
If you need legal help with a medical malpractice case, we’re here for you. Contact us today to learn more.
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This site contains only general information and is not intended to constitute specific legal advice or establish an attorney/client relationship. Malpractice laws are constantly changing. If you think you may have a malpractice case you should promptly contact a lawyer experienced in handling malpractice cases.
Copyright 1997-2024 - Scott R. McMillen