We are pleased to suggest other sites which may be useful to people interested in medical malpractice issues. We are not affiliated with any of these other sites and thus are not responsible for their content.
Licensing and Disciplinary Information:
We begin a Georgia doctor search by visiting the “Look up a provider” page of the Georgia Composite Medical Board. That page allows us to verify the name, address, specialty and license status, such as active or suspended. The site changes regularly, and you must read it carefully for its explanations of what you may obtain online, and what you must request in writing. Also, some of the information is supplied by the physician and has not been verified by the medical board.
That site also has an explanation of how to file an administrative complaint against a medical provider.
Law Suit Information:
Open and ongoing lawsuits against physicians can usually only be reliably found by going to the individual Court locations in each county where the physician may have been sued. This of course is extremely time consuming. Very few malpractice cases are in federal court (usually only VA related cases).
Other Sources of Doctor Information
We will sometimes verify claims of board certification by visiting a resource provided to the public by the American Board of Medical Specialties. This is also a good place to learn about board certification requirements.
One great source of information that should never be overlooked is simply to do a general Internet search on the physician’s name in quotation marks, using one or more of the popular Internet search engines, like Google. It is surprising how much you can learn about some physicians this way.
Serving All of Georgia - Free Consultation
This site contains only general information and is not intended to constitute specific legal advice or establish an attorney/client relationship. Malpractice laws are constantly changing. If you think you may have a malpractice case you should promptly contact a lawyer experienced in handling malpractice cases.
Copyright 1997-2024 - Scott R. McMillen