Affidavits 9-11-9.1
Arbitration 9-9-62
Caps on Damages 51-13-1
Informed Consent 31-9-1 to 31-9-7
Pleading Requirements 9-11-8
Physician Profiles 43-34A-3
Reporting Paid Claims 33-3-27
Statute of Limitations 9-3-71 to 9-3-73
Confidentiality of Records 24-9-40 to 24-9-45
Chiropractic Standards 43-9-16
Good Samaritan Laws 51-1-29 to 51-1-29.3
Physician Discipline 43-34-37
Standard of Care 51-1-27
Termination of Life Support (Immunity) 31-32-7
Wrongful Death 51-4-1 to 51-4-5
Wrongful Death of Child 19-7-1
Forms of Pleading 9-11-8
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This site contains only general information and is not intended to constitute specific legal advice or establish an attorney/client relationship. Malpractice laws are constantly changing. If you think you may have a malpractice case you should promptly contact a lawyer experienced in handling malpractice cases.
Copyright 1997-2024 - Scott R. McMillen