3D Tracheal Splint Used in Atlanta
Justice Altidore was born 3 years ago with a rare heart defect known as a double aortic arch which caused her to have trouble breathing. This heart defect affects how the arteries around her windpipe function. Shortly, after birth Justice underwent open-heart surgery and that did not fix the issue.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Georgia Tech teamed up to create a 3D tracheal splint to allow her to breathe easier. The splint was created using modern technology that includes organic materials that can dissolve over some time.
Justice happens to be the youngest of patients to undergo the procedure with this device. Her progress is monitored by a team of specialists including experts in digestion, lungs, and ENT (ear, nose, and throat).
Her parents are hopeful for her future and describe her as being resilient and high-spirited since her birth.
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