Hospital loses part of patient’s skull

Fernando Cluster had brain surgery at Emory University Hospital in September of 2022. During the surgery part of his skull was temporarily removed, called a bone flap procedure. Two months later, when Cluster went back to the hospital to have the bone flap reattached, the hospital couldn’t find it.  Consequently, they used a synthetic piece instead.  His body then rejected the foreign object, and an infection developed.

Cluster is suing Emory.  He claims the hospital committed malpractice when it lost his skull bone flap and that it failed to keep accurate records. His medical bills totaled $146,000. He had to stay in the hospital longer than planned, had an additional surgery, experienced emotional and physical pain and was unable to work.

Emory Hospital hasn’t given public details about the lawsuit, and they say they are dedicated to providing good care to the patients who come through their doors.

Scott McMillen:
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